Friday, December 5, 2008

Baby Sam!!!

I took little Sam's photos a couple of weeks ago, and let me tell you... this child was perfect!! No fussing... all grins. He was such a sport since Mom and Grandma kept changing outfits!! What a little toot! Enjoy!

im engaged!!!

my sister, emily has encouraged me to start a blog telling of my many adventures doing photo shoots.
i decided that i wanted my first post to be about me getting a big fat bling on my finger :).

stephen invited me over for dinner... cooked a gourmet meal... with a dozen roses sitting on the table. i had no clue that it would be the night i was getting engaged. he had assured me that it would be a while before i got a ring. after dinner i went and sat down on the couch and before i could even start talking, i looked down and stephen was on one knee. and there it was... my handsome, wonderful fiance' holding my beautiful ring.

i am now "mrs. townsend to be" !!